Monday, July 7, 2008

Benefits of using Lit Circles 2.0

Why use Lit Circles in a 2.0 version?

  • it adds an instant reflective step in the lit circle's process that would otherwise not exist
  • will allow for greater group connectivity at each member's convenience
  • an environmental and sustainable way of learning which means NO PAPER!!!
  • teaches students some information literacy skills
  • helps connect parents to their child's learning and allows access to the blog which helps parents' involvement in their child's learning
  • students that have difficulty sharing in a group, can still share with their group on their own terms (i.e. using a dictionary, spell checking, proofreading, and processing and reflecting time before sharing on the blog)
  • discussion is more democratic in that students can share equally and defend and back up their views
  • students love using technology and will be more engaged and enthusiastic to complete an assignment
  • meets the needs of more learning styles and quieter students are given the opportunity to shine in a different learning environment

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